Hurry, The Sea to Sky Gondola's Annual Passes are 90% sold out!
18 December, 2013
These passes are selling fast! Singles can purchase a pass for $99 and $249 for a family of four. “This is incredible value when you think it provides year-round access to the new mountain terrain. We are thrilled to see that 90% are sold out already. Sales of the special limited offer closes on December 22nd. You only have 4 more days to purchase passes.” says Jayson Faulkner, General Manager of the Sea to Sky Gondola. The passes can be purchased online.
After Sunday, December 22, the Sea to Sky Gondola will be offering season passes with pass sales starting in the spring of 2014. Pricing for these season passes has not been finalized, however, a summer or winter season pass will be at least as expensive as the current special $99 Annual Pass.
“At this point, we cannot confirm if an annual pass will ever be offered again in the future. It is unlikely as the majority of people may choose to use the gondola as primarily a summer or a winter experience,” says Faulkner.
For more information on the Annual Pass please visit www.seatoskygondola.com/pass.
Written by Elyse Mailhot, Media Relations and PR Representative