The Sea to Sky Gondola Arrives
03 March, 2014
The B.C. Mountaineering Club was founded in Vancouver more than a century ago. A model of gender equality, it represented a wide variety of professions in the young city: lawyers, land surveyors, bankers, nurses, stenographers, a cigar maker and a piano tuner among them. The group was among the cognoscenti of the alpine world and Squamish was one of its go-to destinations. With the rise of Squamish’s new $22.5-million Sea to Sky Gondola, expected to open in May this year, everybody will finally have the opportunity to see why.
Sightseeing lifts are common in the European Union, and Alberta has recognized their tourism potential with the gondola ferrying visitors to a complex of gift shops and restaurants atop Banff’s Sulphur Mountain. B.C., however, has been slow to follow—a gross oversight, according to Jayson Faulkner, the Sea to Sky Gondola’s general manager.
To read the full article please click HERE.
Article written by Kate MacLennan
Mar 3, 2014