Wonderland Lake Trail Updates
24 July, 2018
In keeping with our purpose to "make it easy for people to connect with the great outdoors," the Wonderland Lake trail has been upgraded. These upgrades will protect the biodiversity of the area and allow greater accessibility for all guests.

This is a very sensitive area, as wetlands are considered the most biologically diverse of all ecosystems. They are home to a wide range of plant and animal life. The purpose of this new boardwalk surrounding Wonderland Lake is to continue to allow access into this delicate area, while not compromising the ecosystem.

Alicia Saunders, one of our own guides, is an undergraduate student in Biology/Ecology. She has done an assessment of the wetlands and pond and has provided invaluable information regarding trail routing and construction. Further assessment, direction and assistance with permits, has come from Cascade Environmental’s professional biologists that specialize in riparian sustainability.
The end result of this ongoing project will be an accessible* trail, bringing many more of our guests into the area, yet built to provide protection to the ecosystems, ultimately resulting in less damage from humans.
*FYI – An ‘accessible’ trail is much more - but at minimum, it is a hard, even surface of 1:20 grade (5%) or less.
These trails become usable for most of our guests in wheelchairs but also benefit people with other disabilities, as well as seniors, parents with baby strollers, and many others.
The real beauty of these trails is that they are for everyone.